Thursday 18 July 2013

July 17th–Leaving Amsterdam

This morning was our last one in Europe! How crazy. This trip has been a whirlwind so far and I’m definitely going to need reread these blogs and remind myself of everything we have done. Disneyland seems an age ago!

After another undisturbed sleep we were up, breakfasted and checked out by the required 10.30am For our last morning here we decided to rent a bike – it is a very Amsterdam thing to do! This experience was very interesting – as I have mentioned before I am not a very confident rider and the bikes given to us were without gears, helmets or a brake system I was used to. I had a ball riding through the parks and along the deserted pretty streets. I may have had some mini meltdowns attempting to ride in the chaos of the city, amongst trams, pedestrians, cars, the local rides… Andy did lots and lots of waiting for me, and I managed to scrape my right leg up a bit. I’m clearly as sporty as ever.

As mentioned, we did cycle to Vondelpark and the Museums Quarter, both very lovely spots – we stopped to read our books on the lawn both places, coupled with locally bought lunch at the second (cream puffs and wine, mmm) I had planned to go see the Van Gogh museums (whilst Andy chilled on the lawn). Unfortunately there was a huge line outside that was moving very slowly indeed so I decided to give it a miss. A pity, as Van Gogh was one of the first artists I had learnt about and I had a poster of his in my bedroom for years – I contented myself with looking at the postcard souvenirs and oil painting replicas being sold outside instead!

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We got back to hostel around 4pm and decided we might as well head off to the airport. I have enjoyed this city – it is very unique and has a lovely balance of places to party places to relax and enjoy the beauty of the streets.

As expected we got to the airport rather early – time for sitting, reading and blogging. The flight to Zurich was uneventful, taking about an hour… and then some more waiting before our flight to Bangkok left at 11pm!

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